About the Autor

Hi, I’m Marcel Hellkamp (aka defnull), author of Bottle and the guy behind this website. I’m 27 years old and studying computer science at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany. Python is my favorite language, but I also code in ruby and JavaScript a lot. Watch me on twitter or visit my profile at GitHub to get in contact. A mailinglist is open for Bottle related questions, too.
About Bottle
This is my first open source project so far. It started and a small experiment but soon got so much positive feedback I decided to make something real out of it. Here it is.
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Betreiber: Marcel Hellkamp
Ort: D - 37075 Göttingen
Strasse: Theodor-Heuss Strasse 13
Telefon: +49 (0) 551 20005915
E-Mail: marc at gsites dot de